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Greetings and updates from at least six feet away

In early February we participated in yet another successful Cleveland Home + Garden Show. We enjoyed seeing some of you there, but those that missed it can take a 3D tour of our booth here. Also in February, after an overwhelming response to our first Ground Works Out Drives Alzheimer’s Charity Golf Outing, we were awarded ‘Rookie of the Year’ and ‘Top Corporate Team’ by the Alzheimer’s Association (Cleveland Chapter).

Back in the office, we’re pleased to announce that we hired our first ever Marketing Director, Joseph Stark ( Born and raised in Bay Village and an Ohio University Alumni, Joe spent almost 10 years in Chicago’s fast-paced media industry, before returning back to Northeast Ohio and joining our team. He volunteered his time last year on the board of Ground Works Out Drives Alzheimer’s Charity Golf Outing and has known Tony since Bay Village Kindergarten days. Around the same time our Marketing Director came onboard we celebrated 11 years of business at Ground Works!

Click the cover image to read the Spring 2020 newsletter!

Spring 2020

Ground Works Summer 2020 Newsletter